Importance of autism moms getting time for themselves

Hello everyone.  I pray you are all well.  In today’s blog I want to discuss the topic and shed some light on the importance of ‘me time’.  This is true for all parents, especially mothers but it is even more important for mothers with children with special needs.  Most of you are well aware, I have a full time job with Catholic Charities besides trying to run our not-for-profit SEGCenter.  Ultimately, I find myself having really late nights to make sure I try to balance both of those while trying to do my motherly duties in the day.  There are times in the busyness of life that I get so overwhelmed and I do not have even one ounce of energy to give anyone else.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my children dearly.  I will sacrifice everything I have for my children.  I am sure that is true for you as well.  What am I saying is that you cannot take care of anyone if you don’t take care of yourself first.  For the first three years after Jasyson’s diagnosis of ASD, I spent every waking minute doing something for Jayson.  That could be feeding, cleaning, bathing, helping with toileting, driving to and picking up from therapy sessions–a slew of activities.  You all know what I mean.  I am not unique in the life of a parent caring for an autisic child.  You get so consumed with caring for your child, it is so easy to forget you need care as well.

So let me take the time to encourage YOU–take time out for yourself.  Whether you are in the early stages of this journey or a seasoned parent/caregiver.  Please hear my words and hear them clearly, take time out for YOU.  It doesn’t have to be an entire day.  It can be a few hours, half an hour, ten minutes, whatever it is and do it with intention and consistency.  Without a brief moment for yourself, you cannot be the best you for your child.  If you need additional support in coping, reach out to other mothers/fathers in your community.  Connect with Jayson’s autism crew– our Facebook group.  Find avenues to vent and offload that heavy burden.  Get professional help if needed.  My coping strategy has been having a biweekly Friday night girls night in with a very close friend.

me time


I sometimes put the kids to bed early and we stay up, drink some wine and pig out.  I appreciate our relationship so much and I cannot express to her enough the appreciation I have for her to take time out of her own life to come and spend quality time with me.  I pray this touches your heart and encourages you to take that much needed time just for YOU.  A little ME time can make a huge IMPACT during this journey and I learned this the hard way and only later on in our journey.


Love you all!

God bless.
